Working Group on Trade News - May- June 2013



Working Group on Trade News - May 2013

  1. ACP States Fear “Immense Damage” to Sugar Industries

ACP countries and specially Southern African Development Community (SADC), which is the main producer of sugar in Africa have called on the European Union to honour its commitments under the Cotonou Accord and EPAs, arguing that abolishing sugar quotas before 2020 could cripple their developing economies. A recent report confirmed the results that this would make imports less attractive. The EU would move to self-sufficiency and may even become a net exporter from time to time. ACP sugar exports will drop to a negligible fraction of what they are today, or be wiped out altogether of the EU market.

Source: Tuesday, 28 May 2013, Press Release: ACP Group

  1. West Africa holds out over EU trade deal demands

West African countries fear of its markets being inundated by European goods has continued to stall preferential trade negotiations with the European Union. The 10-year long talks on EPA show no sign of ending after the latest meeting by the region`s Trade ministers. The EPAs were designed as a trade pact between the EU and ACP nations, aimed at promoting "free trade" through development, sustainable growth and poverty reduction. However, no country develops without protecting its markets. If agreed upon, the EPAs are intended to replace existing trade arrangements which leave African countries with little incentives to continue with them.

Source: Africa Review/Pacnews

  1. SADC scrambles to meet EU trade deadline

Trade ministers from SADC member states met as part of efforts to thrash out a new inclusive Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) with the European Union ahead of next year’s deadline.

The economies of Botswana and Namibia will be the region’s biggest losers when the European Union (EU) revises a preferential trade scheme on October 1, 2014 as part of its overall efforts to push for full EPA with African states.

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  1. Vers la création d’une vaste zone de libre échange en Afrique en 2014

La Communauté économique des Etats d’Afrique centrale (CEEAC), la Communauté de développement d’Afrique australe (SADC, en anglais) et le Marché commun des Etats d’Afrique orientale et australe (COMESA, en anglais) vont créer une zone de libre échange en 2014, a annoncé lundi à Addis-Abeba la commissaire de l’Union africaine (UA), Fatima Haroun Acyl.

"La création de cette zone est pour nous un événement majeur qui va accélérer l’intégration régionale en 2017." La création d’une zone de libre échange regroupant trois Communautés économiques régionales (CER) va également contribuer à augmenter le commerce intra-africain.

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