1105 NEWS ON SMALL ARMS – May 2011

National Reports on control of small arms


The UN Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons (UN PoA) was adopted in 2001. Every two years there is a Meeting of States to report on its implementation. Since 2001, 554 national reports have been submitted by signatories. The Analysis of National Reports 2009–10 realized by Small Arms Survey provides a comprehensive analysis of information on: the prevention and combat of illicit trade in small arms across borders; international cooperation and assistance; strengthening of the Programme of Action; and implementation of the International Tracing Instrument to Enable States to Identify and Trace illicit Small Arms and Light Weapons (ITI).




Towards the ATT - Meeting of Governmental Experts on small arms

From 9 to 13 May 2011, states gathered for the first time in an open-ended meeting of government experts (MGE) to address key implementation challenges and opportunities in the UN small arms process. This particular MGE has focussed on:  Record-keeping; Cooperation in tracing; National frameworks; Regional cooperation; and International assistance and capacity building on small arms and light weapons. The goal of the meeting was sharing of information, experiences, lessons learned, good practices, and challenges and opportunities, with the goal of supporting enhanced national and regional implementation of the International Tracing Instrument.


IANSA the Network of Small arms of which AEFJN is a member, has monitored the meeting and summarise the expert debate taking place in plenary sessions.



  The Scope of an Arms Trade Treaty (ATT)

The UN Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR) organised a conference on ’The Scope of an Arms Trade Treaty: How to Keep the Treaty Adaptable to Technological Developments’. Audio files from the meeting are available online:


Article on arms control and violence against women

An opinion piece ‘Limit Arms Exports to Reduce Violence against Women’ by IANSA woman Rebecca Gerome has been published as part of the competition "Empowering Women in International Relations." held to celebrate the 100th anniversary of International Women’s Day and the 10th anniversary of UN Security Council Resolution 1325. Read the article:


Preparations for the Global Week of Action Against Gun Violence

Preparations for the Global Week of Action Against Gun Violence, 13-19 June are well underway in over 50 countries. The Week of Action has its own logo this year and this is available on the IANSA website. Also available is a ‘style sheet’ demonstrating ways in which the logo can be used to give your activities an identity within our global movement, and to make our presence even stronger during the Week. To view the logo, visit


  Portugal - UN Firearms Protocol ratified

On 6 May, Portugal ratified the UN Protocol against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, their Parts and Components and Ammunition, also known as the 'Firearms Protocol'. The Protocol commits UN Member States to regulate the manufacture, export, import and transit of firearms. It also requires firearms to be marked and records to be kept for 10 years, and encourages (but does not require) the regulation of arms brokers. The Protocol does not regulate state-to-state gun transfers. To find out if your country has ratified the Firearms Protocol, click go to:



South Sudan - Police service receives
arms marking equipment

The Regional Centre on Small Arms (RECSA) for the Nairobi Protocol (14 countries of East Africa and Great Lakes region) has given two arms marking machines to the Southern Sudan Bureau for Community Security and Small Arms Control. In March 2011, RECSA visited Juba, Southern Sudan, to monitor progress and re-train staff on the maintenance of the machines. 40,700 firearms belonging to the Southern Sudan Police Service have been marked so far.


  IANSA Africa coordinator activities

Joseph Dube, Africa Coordinator, is discussing plans with UNDP to mark the 10th anniversary of the UNPoA which will specifically support country level activities of IANSA members, and research on the impact of the UNPoA on women in Africa. Joseph also provided input into legal reforms in Tanzania; worked with the South African Coalition of NGOs to lobby Mozambique, Zimbabwe and SADC in relation to arms bound for Zimbabwe; began planning for a joint seminar on Disarm Domestic Violence with the Embassy of Finland in South Africa; and worked with IANSA members CECORE to develop a research idea for the Great Lakes Region.


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