1301 AEFJN NEWS on SMALL ARMS – January 2013
Arms Trade Treaty – Last chance Negotiations? |
Towards better control of arms transfers |
In December, AEFJN participated at the yearly meeting of NGOs-COARM (EU member states representatives on weapons). The discussion centred on the Review on the EU Common Position criteria to grant arms licenses that are not detrimental to the populations of the receiving countries. Regarding the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) Negotiation Conference at the UN in March 2013, civil society can play its part in keeping the issue in the media and joining forces with interfaith groups and governments for the sake of a strong ATT.
Measuring International Arms Transfers |
The new Fact Sheet on international arms transfers by SIPRI provides reliable information on suppliers and recipients as well as types and volumes of conventional arms being transferred. The data provide an indication of the importance of the arms industry for trade, an overview of the main recipients of arms and the main types of arms being exported and an opportunity to assess arms export policies in the context of international and national law.
Faith groups fight proliferation of small arms in Africa |
Churches representatives affirm that partnership with faith-based organizations is essential in addressing the illicit proliferation of small arms and its devastating impact on peace, security and stability in many African countries. This is the reason why churches support a strong Arms Trade Treaty (ATT).
Assessment of European arms export in 2011 |
Transparency in the arms trade is an essential ingredient to improve the accountability of States in their arms transfers and to guarantee the democratic character of this aspect management. The EU Annual Report on export of military technology and equipment provides information on exports authorized by European countries in 2011. Read more - Source: JP Barcelona
The Arms Trade is Big Business |
In a very simple way with graphics and short explanations the page gives information on arms transfers. The world military spending has now reached one trillion dollars, close to Cold War levels. In recent years, annual sales of arms have risen to around $50-60 billion but the global crisis begins to be felt in arms sales. Developing nations continue to be the primary focus of the2 or 3 major foreign weapons suppliers. Read more - Source: Global Issues
Global arms sales sharply increased in 2011
Sale of arms in 2011 increased to around $85 billion, 84% of which went to developing countries. This was almost double the arms sales compared to 2010 which was the lowest since 2004. The increase was mainly due to the US sales of arms to Saudi Arabia, while most other major arms sellers saw a decrease in sales. |