UN Climate Summit
December 2011 - Durban
Negotiators at the UN climate talks have narrowly avoided a collapse, agreeing to the bare minimum deal possible. The plan gets the Green Climate Fund up and running without any sources of funding, preserves a narrow pathway to avoid 4 degrees of warming and gets a second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol without key members.
REDD strongly criticized by Indigenous Peoples
While in Durban negotiations continued on REDD (UN programme for Reduction of Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation), an NGO report strongly criticised the market mechanism which, it says, is similar to a new tool for land grabbing in the South. In the name of the fight against climate change, indigenous communities are seeing their access to forests being confiscated. The REDD programme does not reduce global warming, but at the Durban conference it was endorsed for financial reasons.
Indigenous peoples ask for a moratorium on REDD+ projects: To know more