AEFJN, the Network, its Vision and Mission

AFRICA EUROPE FAITH AND JUSTICE NETWORK (AEFJN) is a Faith-based International Network present in AFRICA and in EUROPE, established in 1988.
AEFJN promotes economic justice between the European Union and sub-Saharan Africa so that the poor of Africa may look forward to a better future.
The parts of AEFJN Network
The Antennae
The AEFJN International Secretariat in Brussels (Belgium) coordinates the Antennae, does advocacy work and lobbies the European Institutions on issues affecting Africa.
The AEFJN ANTENNAE (national groups) create awareness among Christians and religious, do advocacy and lobby towards the national governments, on issues relevant to Africa.
There are 13 Antennae in 12 European countries: Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Malta, the Netherlands, Spain (Madrid and Barcelona), Poland, Portugal, Switzerland, United Kingdom,
The member congregations
Nearly fifty Catholic Religious or Missionary Institutes present in Africa and Europe are AEFJN members. The Contact Person represents the congregation at annual AEFJN General Assembly.
Many AEFJN's members, have experience of the reality of life in Africa and maintain close links with the people there. Their Christian faith brings a deep respect for each and every human being and a wish to support people who do not yet enjoy their fair share of the resources of creation.
The Executive
Elected by the General Assembly they are the leadership of the Network.
AEFJN Vision
- A world where all can enjoy their fair share of the gifts of creation and have the opportunity to fulfill their God-given potential;
- A culture where people, especially the poor, are at the heart of economic and social policy.
- An Africa that can hold its own in its relations with other world powers.
AEFJN Mission
- Motivated by our Christian faith and enriched by the Social Teaching of the Church, we aim to be alert wherever political decisions concerning economic relations between Africa and Europe are being made.
- As citizens of our own countries and of the European Union, we lobby decision-makers at a national level through our 'Antenna' groups and, at European level, through the International Secretariat in Brussels.
- Networking through our communities and churches we join with other Church and civil society groups at national and international level we strive to advance the common cause for a respectful, compassionate and just world.
AEFJN’s values and specificity
Our values
- Our Christian faith
- Our preferential option for the poor
- Our desire for global justice and a fair share of the gifts or creation for all and specially the people of Africa
- A profound respect for the dignity of each human being
- A concern for fair and just relationships between Africa and Europe and for the global common good
Other features of AEFJN
- Has a stability of presence, through its member congregations, with the poor in Africa which gives access to knowledge about the reality of their life.
- Has members who are present in Africa and in Europe, in touch with all layers of society and knowing well the African context.
- Focuses on the economic issues affecting relations between Africa and the European Union and its member states.
- Aims to influence economic policies related to Africa.
- Disseminates information on issues of structural injustices to its members and the general public.
- Is a Christian network, but can take decisions independently of the Institutional Church.
Our strong points regarding Africa and Europe
- Knowledge of the African reality at grassroots level based on personal experience.
- A knowledge of the EU policy towards Africa
Our network reaches people of our congregations and institutions in Africa and in Europe.
AEFJN lobbies and does advocacy at different levels:
With other partners (civil society, NGOs, Church groups) working on the same issues and having similar concerns. AEFJN coordinates its activities at the European and national levels, joining in shared reflection on the issues and defining areas where common activities, such as joint statements, positions and conferences can be undertaken.
At Church level creating awareness among religious, missionaries and lay people on the impact of trade policies on the people of Africa. AEFJN works to change the unjust structures, which bring about impoverishment and inequality in the people and the countries of Africa.
At national level in collaboration with the International Secretariat, the national AEFJN Antenna works at national level, to create awareness and to make advocacy towards the national government, Parliament and Church groups.
At the EU level the International Secretariat is in contact different with DGs of the European Commission, with the European Parliament and with the Council.
At African level AEFJN is in contact with a number of groups in Africa working on economic issues.
Meeting of AEFJN at the World Social Forum - Nairobi 2007
Members from AEFJN congregations working on Justice issues met at Nairobi during the World Social Forum, to get to know the Network better.
Our address
AEFJN International Secretariat
174, rue Joseph II
B – 1000 Brussels
Tel. +32.(0)
Fax +32.(0)