Global Land Forum Dakar

tl_files/aefjn-images/im_aefjn_ntw/Visits of the Secretariat/Senegal 2015/1506 Forum Conf.jpgThe Secretariat participated in the Global Land Forum at the King Fahd Hotel in Dakar. The Global Land Forum is organized by the International Land Coalition (ILC), an alliance of civil society and intergovernmental agencies consisting of 152 organisations from 56 countries. The ILC has been promoting secure access to land for rural ctl_files/aefjn-images/im_aefjn_ntw/Visits of the Secretariat/Senegal 2015/1506 Poster Forum.jpgommunities and this year’s conference theme was “Land governance for inclusive development, justice and sustainability: Time for action”, aiming to link land governance to the UN Agenda for Inclusive development. At the end of the conference a common declaration was adopted by the 152 members, regrouping common commitments for Action. 


The policy officer met with grass roots organisations, researchers, public officials and civil society organisations. During the event, AEFJN & CICODEV Africa presented the case study on Koudiadiène. Mr Amadou Kanouté, the Executive Director of our ptl_files/aefjn-images/im_aefjn_ntw/Visits of the Secretariat/Senegal 2015/1506 Study Forum.jpgartner CICODEV Africa who carried out the study, gave a presentation on the case study during his speech in the plenary session where several Senegalese government officials were present. At the same time Mr Kanouté called for a moratorium on large scale land acquisitions in Senegal, in order to establish inclusive land reform. The hard copy of the study was also distributed at the stand throughout the event.

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