International Year of Family Farming
The prime objective of the International Year of Family Farming is to promote, in all countries, real active policies in favour of the sustainable development of farming systems based on the family unit, provide guidance to put them into practice, to boost the role of farmers organisations and to raise the awareness on the part of civil society of the importance of supporting family farming. And all this is to fight against poverty, to seek food security and food sovereignty, and to achieve an active rural world based on respect for the environment and the biodiversity.
Among the IYFF’s foreseeable results the following achievements are contemplated:
Outstanding recognition of the United Nations, of international organisations, of governments and of civil society, of the essential function of family farming as a sustainable rural model, as an efficient producer of food, as a source of income, as a fountain of cultural values, of agrarian know-how and as a guarantor of the preservation of the environment and biodiversity.
Greater social and political recognition and legitimisation of farmer’s organisations as useful partners with public powers in everything related to the elaboration of agrarian policies in favour of family farming, effective legal protection of agricultural land owned by family farm households, and rural development in general.
The approval of substantial budgets in different countries and in international organisations aimed to providing better and greater infrastructures and services in rural areas and in family agriculture.
Progressive recognition of the specific and equitable status of rural women in the framework of an authentic regulation of the family farm household and the creation of supporting tools directed to investment, credit, ownership, etc. for women in the farming sector, etc.
Calendar of activities: January-December 2010
-Getting other organisations support to IYFF: farmers, rural NGO, etc.
-Giving advice and information to all the organisations involved in the Campaign.
-Organisation of four continental meetings in Asia, Africa, America and Europe to strengthen each region in the IYFF Campaign, to elaborate recommendations and proposals which would strengthen the Campaign at world level.
-After the four continental meetings, the organisation of a World Consultative Committee, arising from the Continental Meetings, in order to give advice and recommendations to the IYFF Campaign promoted by WRF.
-Approaching governments to introduce IYFF and to get their support to the Campaign in favour of the IYFF. Getting approval of the IYFF by the next UN General Assembly.
To give your support:
Download the document of adhesion, sign it and send it to: or by postal mail to:
Granja Modelo Arkaute s/n
01192 Arkaute, Álava
To download the document :FamilyFarmingAction