Stop au détournement du Fonds vert pour le climat
«Le gouvernement britannique est à la tête d'autres pays riches industrialisés pour que le nouveau Fonds vert pour le climat serve les intérêts du secteur financier et des sociétés avant ceux du peuple qu'il est censé aider. Ce fonds est censé aider les plus pauvres du monde face au changement climatique - par exemple avec des mesures pour sauver la pêche, les fermes et préserver l'approvisionnement en eau, ainsi que permettre aux gens sans accès à l'électricité de passer directement à l'énergie respectueuse du climat.
Mais si le gouvernement britannique continue sa croisade, le fonds sera dépassé par les intérêts du secteur financier et des sociétés. Il deviendra un Fonds pour entreprises. Cela placerait les fonds du climat dans les mains des mêmes personnes qui ont contribué à créer la crise climatique. »(Source: WDM).
Stop pushing for the Green Climate Fund to become a Greedy Corporate Fund
The World Development Movement (WDM) demands that rich industrialised countries, led by the UK, stop putting the interests of profit before people in the climate talks.
"The UK government is leading other rich industrialised countries in pushing for the new Green Climate Fund to be set up in a way that puts the interests of the financial sector and corporations over those of the people it’s meant to help. This fund is supposed to help some of the world’s poorest people cope with climate change – for example with measures to save fisheries, farms and preserve water supplies, as well as enabling people without access to electricity to move straight to climate friendly energy.
But if the UK government gets its way, the fund will be overtaken by the interests of the financial sector and corporations. It would become a Greedy Corporate Fund. This would place climate funds in the hands of the same people who helped create the climate crisis in the first place." (Source: WDM)
WDM launched a campaign to sign a letter telling the UK government to stop pushing for the Green Climate Fund to become a Greedy Corporate Fund. Email UK ministers Chris Huhne and Greg Barker, who are representing the UK in the talks, to say no to the Greedy Corporate Fund. <>
The letter:
WDM LETTER (December 6, 2011):
Stop pushing for a private sector facility in the Green Climate Fund
Dear Chris Huhne and Greg Barker
I am very concerned that the UK is pushing for a private sector facility in the Green Climate Fund (GCF). I strongly object to any resources going from the GCF directly to the private sector, particularly through the establishment of a private sector facility.
The GCF is critically needed to support developing countries in confronting the climate crisis. To do so, it must contribute to sustainable, vibrant local economies.
The role of the private sector in the GCF must be decided, regulated and incentivised at the national and sub-national levels in line with countries’ priorities and based on strong social and environmental safeguards, not corporate bottom lines. The private sector facility in the Green Climate Fund could allow multinational corporations to directly access finance for activities in developing countries, bypassing those countries’ governments.
Few adaptation measures in developing countries will be attractive to the private sector, as they will not generate revenue. Some key mitigation programs, including efforts to encourage energy access for the poor, may also not be financially lucrative. It is investment in these public goods on which the GCF must focus. A private sector facility could lead to the diversion of scarce climate finance resources away from investment in public goods toward subsidies for profitable private sector projects.
Please don’t turn the desperately needed Green Climate Fund into a 'Greedy Corporate Fund.'
Yours sincerely