Actions to transform society

1404 Letter to the European Parliament Candidates

In May 2014 European citizens will elect their representatives to the European Parliament for a period of 5 years. The European Parliament’s decisions have consequences not only for Europeans but throughout the world and especially in developing countries.  AEFJN has drafted a letter addressed to the European Parliament candidates inviting them to work towards fairer EU policies for Europe and for Africa. If you are a European citizen please send the letter, to at least 3 candidates (the head of lists of 3 different parties) in your region, to make sure that EU policies impacting Africa are included in their campaigns and commitments. You can send the letter on your own behalf or on behalf of your congregation (province, community). Please adapt the letter as you know best, filling up the yellow lines between brackets [ ]. You can find the letter HERE and the list of the candidates of each country HERE.


You can find the letter in Spanish HERE and the list of the candidates of each country HERE. THANKS for taking the time to send the letters.


You can find the letter in French HERE and the list of the candidates of each country HERE.

THANKS for taking the time to send the letters.

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