AEFJN National Antennae
The national branches of the Africa-Europe Faith and Justice Network in Europe are called ANTENNAE because one of their roles is to receive and transmit information and ideas. Antennae are made up of religious and lay people, many of whom have lived and worked in Africa.
They monitor political and corporate policies relating to the issues in the AEFJN PLAN OF ACTION and encourage members and churches to challenge unacceptable practices and propose alternatives that respect the dignity of every human being.
They lobby international companies, their national government and parliament.
There are 13 European Antennae present in 12 countries: Belgium, France,Germany, Italy, Ireland, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal, Poland, Switzerland, theUnited Kingdom and Spain (Madrid and Barcelona), all wishing to see fairereconomic relations between Africa and Europe.
Meeting European Antennae, May 2009
Meeting European Antennae, September 2008
Meeting European Antennae, May 2008
Meeting European Antennae, October 2007
Meeting European Antennae April 2007