Antenna Ireland

Brian O'Toole at the Antennae meeting
Brian O'Toole at the Antennae meeting

AEFJN Irish Antenna


The Irish Missionary Union serves as a base for the Irish Antenna of the AEFJN.

Current AEFJN Working Groups: 

Food and Water Group: l (at IMU starting at 10.30 am)

Control of Arms group: (at IMU starting at 02.00 pm)

Meds group:  (at Ashling Hotel starting at 10.30 am)

For information on the Irish office contact Fr. Brian O'Toole at the IMU office

GO to the website of the AEFJN IRISH ANTENNA


Irish Legislation pertaining to medicines

Procuring good quality medicines for Africa

AEFJN Irish Antenna Newsletter

News and actions on Economic Justice issues related to Africa.

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