What to think about GMO ?
The results of GM crops around the world converge to these conclusions: “GM crops mean extremely costly seeds and increasing use of expensive chemicals, both of which are well beyond the means of most small farmers in developing countries. The model of GM farming favours larger, wealthier farmers, and will deepen their dependence on high energy and resource use at a time of rising climate emissions and resource depletion.[1]” GM crops are promoted first by few business companies that have monopole on food, seeds and agriculture products markets. These encourage agricultural practices such as large-scale monoculture, which threaten the biodiversity around.
Several biotech companies withdrew from a world study on Agriculture that was sponsored by the United Nations and World Bank, because the experts found that GM crops offered very little potential for alleviating poverty and hunger: the IAASTD report.
In April 2008, 400 experts from 58 countries and from many disciplines released a report of an exhaustive analysis on food and nutrition security: “how can agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology (AKSTs) be improved to reduce hunger and poverty, improve health and nutrition, assure rural livelihoods and reduce inequities while protecting the environment”. They answer that: “Business as usual is no longer an option, if we want to assure the quality and quantity of food needed for a growing population with increased and more diverse needs.”[2] The International Assessment of Agricultural Science and Technology for Development (IAASTD) Reports advocate “for immediate action in changing agricultural practices by implementing sustainable agricultural practices such as organic agriculture, agro-ecology, by diversifying the crop and animal genetic and varietal / species bases and increasing investment across the board from research to education and extension, infrastructure and institutions.2”