News Land Grabbing / Agrofuels – January 2014
Burning food crops to produce biofuels is a crime against humanity
Former UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, Jean Ziegler, is convinced that the targets for biofuels should be canceled. Biofuels are responsible for the increase in hunger and increased land grabbing in Africa, Asia and Latin America. In addition, the production of biofuels causes environmental damage, such as forest clearing for biofuel production. He believes that the benefits of the majority of biofuels to fight climate change are negligible. In his article, Jean Ziegler clearly explains the consequences of biofuel production and his arguments to immediately cancel the objectives set by the EU.
Read the opinion of Jean Ziegler by clicking here
Palm oil, which contribution to development?
Proparco, a subsidiary of the French Development Agency is funding development projects implemented by the private sector with the aim to contribute to sustainable development in partner countries. In Cameroon Proparco has contributed € 2.3 million to the capital increase of a Cameroonian - French company active in the production of palm oil. However, the operations of the company in question have been criticized by 4 NGO 's (2 Cameroonian NGO 's and 2 European NGO’s) because its activities have a negative impact on the living conditions of the local population, the Bagyéli. In addition, the benefits of the company's operations in Cameroon are not reinvested in the Cameroonian economy, but they are transferred to two holding companies in Luxembourg to avoid paying taxes. The NGO 's call development agencies to strengthen their requirements for social and environmental responsibility when they finance private investors for development projects.
Read the full article here (only in French)
EIA cracks down on tardy investors
The Ethiopian Investment Agency has withdrawn the operating license of farmland several foreign companies because of delays in the execution of their investment projects without providing a valid explanation.
Read the full article here