Civil society opposes G7's New Alliance on Food Security and Nutrition

On the 3rd of June the Leadership Council of the G7 New Alliance holds its annual meeting in South Africa. At the same time civil society organisations across the world raise their concerns on this initiative, because this is a threat to African food sovereignty and family farmers’ control over land and seeds. The exchanges between different civil society organisations at the World Social Forum amounted to a declaration. Read more on our website: Click here

Read the full statement:


Statement on the New Alliance


Civil Society asks critical questions of the World Bank


In the framework of the campaign Our Land Our Business, supported by 260 civil society organisations, have formulated a series of critical questions to the World Bank, mainly related to the Bank’s preference for large-scale agriculture. The questions were asked in the run-up to the Bank’s annual spring meetings, however, they have not been answered formally. Civil society is mainly concerned about the lack of consultation of farmers in the World Bank’s flagship initiative “Enabling the Business of Agriculture”, which seems tuned to the interests of large agribusiness corporations. Next the civil society organisations remain critical of the World Bank’s Doing Business indicators, which rewards countries for decreasing corporate income taxes, for relaxing regulations on land transfer and land acquisitions, while punishing countries that increased social contribution taxes.


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