100507 ROPPA Monitoring the land grabbing
Source:Final declaration of the 5th ordinary convention of ROPPA (Grand-Bassam, Côte-d’Ivoire 5 - 7 May 2010) On themes relating to natural resources, access to regional and domestic markets for family farms and to divisions within ROPPA and women college
The Convention has expressed his concerns on the recently emerged ever-increasing proportions of sale of agricultural land to foreign private companies, foreign individuals, including the national elite.
Convention recommended to the Board of ROPPA to accelerate the development of a monitoring and alerting system to provide platforms of real bases with assessment of land grabbing and, consequently, social mobilization operations that family farms can drive to limit or even stop this new plundering of the heritage property in the region.
It also asked ROPPA to start dialogue with and inquiry States and IGOs (Inter-Governmental Organisations) on this phenomenon that continues to grow.
Source: ROPPA