Presentation AEFJN Study on Phosphate Mining in Senegal in Madrid

tl_files/aefjn-images/im_1_Icons/madrid25.jpgAEFJN & Cicodev were invited to Madrid to the University of Pontificia de Comillas to present the results of the AEFJN Study: “Koudiadiène, a mining operation under scrutiny – evidence”. The Spanish Antenna organised the event together with REDES, who had translated the AEFJN Study into Spanish. The event marked the launch of the Spanish version, which is an important step forward as several Spanish companies were mentioned in the study. The AEFJN Policy Officer presented the link with Europe: European companies extracting phosphorous rock for processing into fertilizers. Then, Amadou Kanoute, Director of Cicodev, shed light on the impact of the extraction on the local population, economy and environment. The event was attended by 60 people.

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