Partners in Africa
AEFJN works with groups and individuals in Africa that deal with the issues of the AEFJN Plan of Action.
JCTR Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection - Zambia
SEDELAN (Missionaries of Africa) - Burkina Faso
Centre for Social Concern (Missionaries of Africa) - Malawi
John Paul II Justice and Peace Centre - PO Box 31853 - Uganda
CEPAS Centre d'Etude pour l’Action sociale (jesuits) - DR Congo
HAKIMANI, Jesuit Hakimani Centre - Kenya
AFCAST - African Forum for Catholic Social Teachings
EPN Ecumenical Pharmaceutical Network - Africa
Commission Justice et Paix CENCO - DR Congo et CEASC (Central Africa)
AWN African Water Network - Africa - The Secretariat is in Ghana
INADES-Formation, présente en Afrique de l’Ouest, du Centre et de l’Est.
AEFJN collaborates with INADES General Secretariat and INADES Cameroon.