1501 Looking to the Future with AEFJN…

The word "January" is derived from the Roman god Janus. It is a god with two faces, one looking to the past and the other to the future. As if to promote what this god represents, January is a time for evaluations for many organizations and individuals.Such evaluations naturally lead to outlining orientations for the future.


2014 was a very eventful year for the AEFJN network and most of the events were reviewed at the November 2014 AGM. The year ended with a successful International Conference held at the European Parliament. Holding these two important events in our hands, we are strengthening and modifying our strategies in further realization of the 2014-2018 Action Plan. We underline that what is important is not how bad things are now but our vision of building a more just society and the trust that our activities in Brussels, national antennae and elsewhere are parts of the unfolding of this goal.


Our vision and values at the AEFJN along with the concrete issues of concern are well defined.  We are committed to an alternative world economic system that respects the Rights and dignity of each person in Africa, the equitable distribution of the resources of the earth and the preservation of the Integrity of God's creation. Our commitment is nurtured by our Christian faith and this marks us out from civil society organizations and NGO though we share much in common.


Our primary Strategy is advocacy at the European Union institutions. We are resolved to intensify our lobbying and to follow more keenly the development of policies related to AEFJN issues of concern at the EU institutions.


The UN General Secretary's Post-2015 agenda address is of special interest to the Secretariat. The address is purposeful and ambitious. It focuses on human needs and care of the Earth. We judge it to be wonderful but we are more interested in how it will translate into concrete EU economic policies and programs in relation to Africa.


The Secretariat will be more committed this year to seeking out ways of improving collaboration with the antennae and contact persons with a view to nurturing a more dynamic NETWORK. We would be delighted to animate any antenna or member Congregation that offers us an invitation on AEFJN issues of concern or other JPIC issues.


As a sequel to the paper the President of AEFJN presented at the November 2014 AGM and the consequent decision, the Secretariat will undertake more activities aimed at strengthening collaboration with African partners. This would include working closely with the Executive to study the possibility of having a Secretariat in Africa that will replicate what is being done in Brussels. This is important because we believe that Africa's economic problems will be better solved with Africans and in Africa.


All of us at the AEFJN Secretariat in Brussels wish you a pleasant and eventful year.


Chika Onyejiuwa

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