1505 The UN 2015-Post Development Agenda

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The inalienable dignity of the human person is a central tenet of Catholic Social Teachings and it is also the pillar of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Persons. That dignity is also the enduring foundation for any genuine efforts to bring nations and peoples of the world into the common human family.  A strong regard for that dignity must guide all interactions of all peoples and between all peoples irrespective of their national, racial, ethnic, economic or ideological differences especially those initiated or monitored by UN. 


It is on that pedestal of the intrinsic dignity of the person that the UN must put down its feet as it continues discernment for a post-2015 development agenda which should aim at more solidarity among the nations of the world in the face of so many threats to our corporate existence as a race. The current development plans which began in 2000 with its agreed wonderful MDGs of poverty alleviation, education, gender equality and women empowerment, child and maternal health, reducing HIV/AIDS and building global partnership development will come to an end this year. The capitalist economic model devoid of solidarity has greatly undermined its success and the result is worsening economic inequalities [1]. We at the AEFJN are keen on seeing the lessons learned duly appropriated in the setting out of a post-2015 development agenda.


The consideration that the post-2015 development agenda “apply to all countries and not just those considered still developing’’[2] is a step in the right direction. At least it recognizes the fact that the nations of the world can only develop optimally and sustainably in an interdependent, dynamic relationship with one another and the ecosystem. It is, so to say, an acknowledgment of a more universal model of development as an indispensable need for the post 2015 era. But there are divergent understandings of the term ‘universal’ in this context.


The rich countries, for most part, see it as not leaving anyone behind [3]. That presupposes that the current development framework left some people behind. If this is the situation and the post-2015 development agenda advocates for a more sustainable and inclusive development, then the lopsided economic model which creates the spill-overs must be addressed. Why give aid to the countries of the south without adjusting the basic trade and economic policies that gave rise to the imbalance? Appropriate measures must be taken to redress the inequalities in the spirit of true universal solidarity. Some analysts have opined that universal could mean that “every country is involved and taking care of itself’’. That, however, flies in the face of the much needed interdependence and solidarity.


Another important element of the post-2015 development agenda that needs clarity is the notion of global partnership. Some of the poorer countries understand it as a state-to-state interaction while the rich countries are pushing for a multi-stake holder partnership which will include other actors [5][i]. On the surface, this sounds theoretically plausible but practically unachievable.  Who are these other actors and what are the practical implications during implementation of the agenda? Is it possible that the business sectors who are the primary drivers and beneficiaries of the current inequitable and unsustainable patterns of development would turn round against it? It will be very ridiculous to invite the wolf to sit at a peace when the wolf is the primary cause of the war. Keep a date with us as the AEFJN addresses these and other related issues in the next edition of the Echoes.[1]


Chika Onyejiwa

Executive Secretary



[1] [1] Barbara Adams, Gretchen Luchsinge, “Post-2015 and FFD3: Debate Begins, Political lines emerge” http://www.socialwatch.org/node/16782



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