Articles from other organizations on the issues AEFJN works at.
1605 EU African EPAs in Limbo
Dangers of WTO 10th Ministerial Conference: New Round + TTIP + TPP + EPA
EPAs Falls Apart in East Africa
The EU has given the world the impression that the magic formula for the development and integration of Africa into the main stream of the world economy lies in the Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs). However, there is evidence that the so-called trade pact is more of a hindrance than a help to regional integration and, consequently, to the development of Africa. The AEFJN has maintained that the EPAs are tools in the hands of the EU to plunder the resources of Africa. But what is most painful is the way the EU employs her development funds to force her will down the throat of African governments and under-develop the continent.
1507/08 The Real Dangers of EPA to ECOWAS
Ken Ukaoha is the President of National Association of Nigerian Traders (NANTS) and a member of the Nigerian negotiating team on Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) for ECOWAS. He underlines that the EPA in its present form is dangerous to ECOWAS and the whole of Africa. One of the dangers of the trade agreement is that it is a recipe for massive land grabbing and consequent conflicts. The agreement is a systemic slavery for Africa. The way forward is to renegotiate the EPA at the level of African union.