1302 More than ever, let’s watch out for land-grabbing in Madagascar!

The association Tany, a Collective for the Protection of Land in Madagascar, is calling for increased vigilance over financial transactions in the lead-up to the country’s elections. Tany denounces activities to promote foreign land investment by the authorities without advance consultation with the citizens affected.



The Collective is worried about several articles that have appeared in the press that typify the promotion of land sales in Madagascar to foreign investors during this period of political transition. Tany denounces the land allocations mentioned in the press because the local people have not been given the chance to have their say. In fact, neither family farmers nor villagers were consulted about the new land contracts in their areas.



Furthermore, the foreign investors whose projects were rejected continue to operate by establishing subsidiaries, as Daewoo did.  In addition, the agrofuel industry has its eye on Malagasy land, as shown in the plans of Tozzi Green that is targeting 100,000 hectares to set up a jatropha plantation on the Ihorombe Plateau. To this end the Italian company has already received 8,000 ha, a project strongly opposed by local farmers.



Tany is calling for a halt to land commitments ahead of the election and for greater transparency about Malagasy land, the contracts concluded between the authorities and foreign investors and the expected revenue from land investments.  In any case, the investments should contribute to an increase in the income of peasant farmers and no families should be evicted.



Source: Le Collectif pour la Défense des Terres Malgaches

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