1402 Visit to Burkina Faso
From the 11th to the 28th October 2013 Sr. Begoña Iñarra visited Burkina Faso. She organized a meeting in Bobo-Dioulasso for religious and lay people committed to Justice and Peace. There, she presented the work of AEFJN and the issues that are relevant for the country. Participants spoke of their concerns about the economic issues affecting the people in the area. In Ouagadougou, at the General Assembly of Major Superiors, Sr. Begoña presented the work of AEFJN and what is at stake in the issues dealt with by the network. At both meetings Sr. Begoña encouraged religious and lay persons to form a group to work on the economic issues that affect the population and she offered the support of AEFJN. Many religious talked with her later, showing their interest in AEFJN or specific issues, but the formation of a group seemed difficult for the time being. She also met Fr. Andreas Göpfert from SEDELAN who is the Coordinator of the JP Group of the Religious and she animated a seminar on Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) for novices and formators in Bobo Dioulasso.