1404 General Assembly of the French Antenna

tl_files/aefjn-images/im_aefjn_ntw/Visits of the Secretariat/20140311_142239.jpgOn the 11th March, Gino Brunswijck of the AEFJN Secretariat in Brussels took part in the General Assembly of the French Antenna. The day began with an interesting presentation on food security given by Secours Catholique France which was followed by a sharing of views. In the afternoon, Renée Mouazzan presided. Gino gave an introduction to the land grabbing issue and the campaign calling for a moratorium on large-scale land acquisition. He explained how Antennae can contribute to the campaign at a national level and the importance of congregations relaying the campaign to their communities in Africa. Questions were asked about the campaign. The participants recognised the need for such a campaign on an issue that affects the lives of millions of Africans.

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