1411 - 1412 Annual General Assembly
The AGM of AEFJN was held in Rome on 7th November with participation of AEFJN’s congregational Contact Persons, the Executive and the Secretariat. During the first part of the meeting Sr. Fernanda Cristinelli (Vice-President) presented the annual report of activities of the Executive. The Secretariat presented its annual report including the state of play of the dossiers it has been following in Brussels during the last year as well as the challenges for 2015. The presentation of the annual report was followed by Questions and Answers. Gerard Moorman from the Dutch Antenna gave an overview of the activities of the Dutch Antenna. The accounts were then approved and new members were elected to the Executive: Fr. François Gnonhoussou SMA, Fr. Arlindo Pinto MCCJ and Fr. Kennedy Katongo OMI. The meeting concluded with the presentation of Gervase Taratara (President AEFJN) of a proposal for the establishment of an AEFJN-secretariat in Africa. After his presentation the members of the network reflected together on this proposal. The proposal was adopted and the Executive was tasked to work out the modalities for the proposal. The participants expressed appreciation for the interventions and the efforts of the Executive and the Secretariat to keep alive the commitment to Africa and its people.