1607 EDISA, the Cameroon Antenna’s initiative to counter fake medicines

The Cameroon AEFJN antenna has sent us its first bulletin which aims to inform and motivate the public about action to improve social justice. The Belgian antenna is delighted to see that they are focussing on the same two issues as Cameroon: large-scale land grabbing and the battle against fake medicines. These have become real social problems in Cameroon.


We would like to highlight here a particularly interesting initiative that aims at easing access to quality medicines: the creation of a project called EDISA (Ensemble pour un Développement Intégral et des Soins Accessibles – Working Together for Integral Development and Accessible Healthcare).


The reality is that in Cameroon, as nearly everywhere in Africa, the phenomenon of counterfeit medicines is exposing people who are looking for low-cost treatment to ineffective medicines or drug poisoning.


To form EDISA, AEFJN Cameroon has joined other organisations working in the health field such as the St Porrès de Mvog Mbetsi Hospital Centre, the Union of Major Superiors and Delegates of Cameroon and several other congregations involved in health care. EDISA’s main purpose is to combat the spread of counterfeit medicines while making access to quality drugs easier for everyone. One of the slogans is “Fake medicines are costly and can kill! For good health, let’s fight against fake medicines!”


To achieve its objectives, EDISA has set up a drug purchasing group and is implementing procedures to control the quality of these drugs. This grouping of organisations is committed to lobbying and denouncing the harm caused by street or counterfeit drugs. It will also organise formation and awareness-raising sessions to enable good health practices and a sharing of experiences.


We are very pleased with this important initiative coming from AEFJN Cameroon and wish it every success.

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